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Dog bite lawyers

California Dog Bite Lawyers

Dogs are loved by most people and are very popular pets. There is no denying the undying love and faithfulness you receive from a dog. Some owners may even think of dogs as their own children. However, no matter how well trained, all dogs are prone to biting.

If you or a loved one was a bite victim due to the negligence of a pet owner, you may be eligible to file a bite injury claim. These insurance claims can be complex, especially while trying to recover from your injuries. It is in your best interest to hire a dog bite lawyer to help guide you through the legal process of filing a claim.

At Farahi Law Firm our personal injury lawyers have years of experience handling dog bite injury cases. We will fight to ensure you recover the financial compensation and medical care you need and deserve. Contact us at (844) 824-2955 for a free case consultation.


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Why Do Dogs Bite?

Understanding the reasons why dogs may bite is fundamental in fostering a harmonious relationship between humans and their furry friends, as well as creating a safer environment for everyone. Dogs may bite for various reasons, and it’s essential to understand that each situation is unique and may have its own contributing factors. Here are some common reasons why dogs may bite:

  • Fear or threat – Dogs may bite if they feel threatened, scared, or cornered. This is often a defensive reaction to protect themselves or their territory.
  • Protecting resources – Dogs are naturally protective of their food, toys, or possessions. If they feel that their resources are at risk of being taken away, they may resort to biting to maintain control.
  • Pain or illness – Dogs in pain or suffering from an illness may react aggressively if touched or approached in a way that exacerbates their discomfort.
  • Maternal instinct – Female dogs may bite to protect their puppies if they perceive any potential danger.
  • Lack of socialization – Poor socialization during a dog’s early developmental stages may result in fear or aggression towards unfamiliar people or animals.
  • Territorial behavior – Dogs can become territorial and protective of their home or property, leading to aggressive behavior towards perceived intruders.
  • Predatory drive – Some breeds have a stronger prey drive than others, and in certain situations, this instinct may trigger a dog to bite or chase after small animals or even people.
  • Frustration – Dogs that are constantly frustrated or unable to cope with a situation may resort to aggression, including biting.
  • Provocation – In some cases, dogs may bite in response to teasing, rough handling, or other forms of provocation.
  • Lack of training or control – Dogs that have not received proper training or lack obedience may not understand appropriate behavior, leading to aggression or biting.

It’s important to note that a dog’s behavior can be influenced by various factors, including genetics, past experiences, and overall health. Responsible pet ownership, proper training, early socialization, and regular veterinary care can help reduce the likelihood of dogs biting.

What Happens in a Dog Bite Case?

In a dog bite case, the specific legal process and consequences can vary depending on the jurisdiction and the severity of the incident. However, generally, the following steps and outcomes are common in many dog bite cases:

Immediate Medical Attention

If a person is bitten by a dog, their priority is to seek emergency medical attention. Dog bite attacks can vary in severity, from minor wounds that require basic first aid to more severe injuries that demand immediate medical treatment.

Reporting the Incident

In many jurisdictions, dog bite incidents must be reported to local authorities or animal control agencies. This helps create a record of the incident and allows authorities to assess the situation and determine if further action is necessary.


Authorities or animal control officers may investigate the circumstances surrounding the dog bite. This investigation may involve speaking to witnesses, examining the dog’s history of aggression and behavior, and assessing the owner’s responsibility.


In some cases, the dog may be placed under quarantine to observe its health and behavior for a certain period. This is done to check for signs of rabies or other infectious diseases that could pose a risk to the injury victim.

Legal Liability

The owner of the dog may be the liable party for the dog bite if it is determined that their negligence or failure to control the dog led to the incident. Bite laws regarding liability can differ from one jurisdiction to another.

Civil Lawsuit

The bite injury victims may choose to pursue a personal injury lawsuit against the dog’s owner to seek fair compensation for medical expenses, pain and suffering, and other considerable damages resulting from the bite.

Criminal Charges

In extreme cases where the animal attack was particularly severe or resulted in serious injuries, criminal charges may be filed against the owner, especially if there is evidence of negligence or intentional harm.


In some cases, if a dog is deemed dangerous or aggressive and poses a significant threat to public safety, authorities may order the dog to be euthanized.

How Can Having Dog Bite Lawyers Help Your Dog Bite Claim?

Having a dog bite lawyer can be immensely beneficial if you are pursuing a personal injury claim. These skilled attorneys are experienced in handling cases involving dog attacks and can provide valuable legal services in several ways. Here are some benefits of hiring dog bite lawyers:

  • Determining liability – Establishing liability in a dog bite case can be challenging. An experienced dog bite lawyer can help determine who is legally responsible for the attack, whether it’s the dog owner, a property owner, a landlord, or another party.
  • Maximizing compensation – Dog bite lawyers aim to secure the maximum compensation possible for their clients. They can calculate the economic and non-economic damages you are entitled to, including medical expenses, pain and suffering, lost wages, and any future medical treatment or therapy that may be required.
  • Negotiating with insurance companies – Dealing with insurance carriers can be difficult, as their primary goal is to minimize settlement amounts. An experienced lawyer can handle communications with insurance adjusters and negotiate on your behalf to ensure you receive a fair settlement.
  • Trial representation – If a fair settlement cannot be reached through settlement negotiations, a dog bite lawyer is prepared to take your case to court. They will represent your interests during the trial and present a compelling argument to secure the compensation you deserve.

Bitten by a Dog? Contact Farahi Law Firm Today!

If you or a loved one were a bite victim due to the negligence of a responsible party, you do not need to suffer in silence. You may be eligible to file a dog bite accident claim and recover compensation for your injuries and damages.

It is in your best interest to hire a legal expert to help you through the difficult process of filing a legal claim. At Farahi Law Firm, our team of dog bite lawyers, medical experts, and case managers have years of experience handling dog bite accident claims. Not only will we ensure you receive the fair compensation you deserve, but we will also get you the medical care you need.

We work on a contingency fee basis, which means you won’t need to pay us a single cent unless we win your case. Contact us at (844) 824-2955 for a free case consultation. We speak English, Spanish, and Filipino!

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