Social Media Lawsuit Claims Link to Mental Illness

Social Media Lawsuit Claims Link to Mental Illness

Social media companies have developed digital tools that enable individuals and organizations to create, share, and exchange information, ideas, and content online. This innovation has completely transformed how we connect with others, consume news and entertainment, and conduct business in the digital era. However, there have been growing concerns about the negative impact of social media on mental health, resulting in a social media lawsuit in recent years.

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Social media platforms have gained a lot of popularity over the past decade, with billions of people using them worldwide. Social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat have transformed the way we communicate with each other. 

However, social media has also been linked to mental health problems, and this has led to lawsuits being filed against social media companies. This article will talk about how social media affects mental health and the lawsuits against their operators.

The Link Between Social Media and Mental Illness

Research indicates that social media causing mental illness is a growing concern. For instance, a 2022 MIT study showed that individuals who spend more time on social media platforms are more prone to experiencing anxiety and depression. Similarly, another study indicated that social media usage can result in amplified feelings of loneliness and isolation.

Additionally, social media has been linked to addiction, with people spending countless hours scrolling through their feeds each day. Consequently, it’s becoming increasingly important to recognize and address the negative impact of social media on mental health.

On the Mental Health and Relationships of Young People and Adults

In recent years, there has been concern about the impact of social media on the mental health and relationships of young people, including children, teens, and young adults. 

Research has shown that excessive social media use can lead to a range of mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, and poor body image. It can also negatively affect relationships, leading to increased feelings of loneliness, isolation, FOMO (fear of missing out), and body image issues.

Sleep Disruption

According to researchers, social media use can cause sleep disruption, which can lead to anxiety and depression. This is because people tend to stay up late using social media, and the light from the screen can affect their circadian rhythm, making it difficult for them to fall asleep.

Additionally, many people wake up at night to check or respond to messages, which further disrupts their sleep. Teens and adolescents often use social media at night, even when it interferes with their sleep because they fear missing out on potential social interactions and want to adhere to social norms of being available online at all times.

The Fear of Missing Out

Adolescents and young adults frequently experience anxiety related to the “fear of missing out,” commonly known as FoMO, which is the fear of missing out on social experiences. Social media can exacerbate these feelings of FoMO, particularly when an individual view posts about events they were not invited to.

Teens and young adults, in particular, may be more susceptible to the harmful effects of social media because social connectedness is crucial to their development. Scrolling through posts can increase feelings of FoMO, and the sense of exclusion can result in adverse emotions.

Negative Body Image

Social media use is associated with various mental health problems, not just anxiety and depression. Research shows that social media negatively affects body image in adolescents, particularly teen girls.

The more time spent on social media, the higher the likelihood of “body surveillance,” which leads to negative self-judgment and body dysmorphia. Dysmorphia is a condition in which an individual becomes fixated on their perceived physical flaws or inadequacies, leading to obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviors.

Social media also exposes users to idealized and filtered images of attractive people, causing feelings of inadequacy and poor body image. The prevalence of “fitspiration” accounts on various social media sites, promoting thinness and perfection, contributes to this phenomenon, as when one user’s feed is filled with the “perfect” body image content.


Cyberbullying, a type of bullying that occurs online, is another detrimental consequence of social media use. A significant number of teenagers, about 72%, report experiencing cyberbullying at some point.

What’s more alarming is cyberbullying is not limited to adolescents alone. Recent studies show that more school children are being exposed to such harmful content, creating a negative mental health impact on the child’s learning environment.

Cyberbullying has a stronger correlation with suicidal ideation compared to traditional in-person bullying. The disadvantage of cyberbullying is that it cannot be easily escaped from as it stays online and can occur without the knowledge of teachers and families.

Social Media Addiction

Research has indicated that various social media platforms, such as Facebook and Instagram, may trigger addiction-like brain activity in their users. Instagram, in particular, has been identified as a “perfect storm“, as it uses social media algorithms to promote content through various features, and exposes users to social comparison.

Dr. Nancy DeAngelis, director of behavioral health at Jefferson Health in Abington, explains that social media platforms release dopamine to the brain, which elicits addictive qualities, which keeps users coming back. The reward center in the brain is activated by actions such as receiving shares, likes, and comments on the platform, resulting in a high similar to that experienced when gambling or using drugs.

Lawsuits Filed Against Social Media Companies

As concerns about social media causing mental health issues have grown, lawsuits have been filed against tech giants creating and handling social media apps. 

For one, Meta, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram, is facing multiple lawsuits alleging that their platforms pose greater risks to the mental health of teens than to adults. These social media lawsuits claim that Meta’s design is addictive and has led to instances of suicide and emotional harm among young users.

Internal documents from Meta have revealed that the company was aware of the harmful impact of their platforms on young users, as mentioned in a social media lawsuit filed in a California court in 2023. These legal claims have been filed by numerous parents and families of teens who have suffered mental health issues as a result of their social media use.

In addition, school districts have also sued the parent companies of various social media platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok, and YouTube, accusing them of exploiting the vulnerabilities of young people’s brains

social media lawsuit

Social Media Companies’ Response

Social media companies, including Facebook and parent company Meta, have not directly responded to the allegations made in various social media lawsuits in the country.

However, the company has implemented new features to provide a safer experience for the young population. Antigone Davis, global head of safety at Meta, stated that content that promotes self-harm, suicide, or eating disorders is not allowed on their platform. Moreover, Facebook claims to have identified and taken action to stop untoward actions within the platform. The company also expressed its intent to collaborate with experts, policymakers, and parents to address these critical issues.

The Future of Social Media and Its Mental Health Effects

As social media continues to evolve and grow, it is important to consider the impact it has on mental health. Social media companies have a responsibility to address these concerns and take steps to promote mental health and well-being. However, it is also important for individuals to be aware of the potential risks and take steps to protect their mental health while using social media.

Tips For Managing Social Media Use

Here are some suggestions for managing social media use:

  • Choose a specific time at night when you will stop checking your phone, and consider charging your phone in another room while you sleep.
  • Use an alarm clock instead of relying on your phone’s alarm to avoid immediately checking your phone when you wake up.
  • Take a break from social media once a week and focus on other activities.
  • Disable notifications for a few hours each day, gradually increasing the duration. You can also put your phone on “Airplane” or “Do Not Disturb” mode.
  • Set boundaries for when you can check your notifications.
  • Use apps that block certain social media apps and provide information on your usage to help you stay aware and focus on other activities.

Moderation Through Safe App Tools

The need for safe app tools is particularly pressing given that research has shown that social media use can be addictive, with social media users experiencing feelings of withdrawal when they are unable to access their accounts. 

To address these issues, tech companies should prioritize the inclusion of safe app tools that may make a social media platform safer. For example, they could include features that limit the amount of screen time spent on social media each day and an age verification feature. 

Additionally, they could develop tools that help users identify and block toxic content, or that provide resources for users who are struggling with mental health issues.

Communication and Connection

Lots of people use social media apps like Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, YouTube, and Instagram to find and talk to each other. But it’s important to know that online interactions can’t replace real-life interactions.

Hanging out with loved ones in person can make you feel better by releasing hormones that reduce stress and make you happy. Ironically, using social media too much can make you feel lonely and depressed.

Mental health organizations say it’s important to spend quality time with family and do fun things together to stay mentally healthy. That way, you can build strong relationships and support systems that can help you when you need it, giving better effects on teens and school children.

In the future, we may see more research on the link between social media and mental health, as well as more lawsuits and regulations of social media companies. It is clear that social media has both positive and negative effects on our lives, and it is up to all of us to use it responsibly and mindfully.

Social Media’s Link to Mental Illness 

Lawsuits filed against social media companies have highlighted the need for greater awareness of the potential risks of social media use. 

And while social media companies have taken steps to promote mental health, it is important for individuals to be mindful of their social media use and take steps to protect their mental health. By doing so, we can enjoy the benefits of social media while minimizing the potential risks.

Do You Qualify For Filing A Social Media Lawsuit? Consult with California’s award-winning lawyer.

Parents of teenage users who have experienced mental health crisis or worst, have taken their own life as linked to social media usage may be eligible to file a wrongful death claim.

Or, if you or someone you know has been a victim of harassment, cyberbullying, or any other issue related to social media that has caused mental health problems, contact Farahi Law Firm.

Have a free consultation with California’s award-winning personal injury lawyers. Know your rights and legal options.

Call our law firm anytime at (844) 824-2955.

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