What is the One Action Rule for Wrongful Death?

What is the One Action Rule for Wrongful Death?

The one action rule for wrongful death in California, also known as the one recovery rule, means that plaintiffs can only file one wrongful death lawsuit toward a guilty party. Under this rule, only one lawsuit or legal action can be filed to seek compensation for the deceased victim. The plaintiffs, no matter how many are involved, can only file one collective claim instead of many at the same time.

So, why does the one action rule need to exist?

One main reason is that one wrongful death in California can affect so many people at once, especially when the victim is part of a family’s support system. Most of the time, there can be too many plaintiffs for one at-fault party to justly handle.

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How the One Action Rule for Wrongful Death Affects Injury Cases

The one action rule for wrongful death in California can affect your case in several ways:

Consolidation of Claims

The one action rule for wrongful death requires that all claims for damages arising from a wrongful death be consolidated into a single lawsuit. This means that all active parties seeking compensation for the wrongful death must participate in the same legal action. It prevents the need for multiple lawsuits against the same culpable party and ensures that all relevant claims are addressed in a unified manner.

Binding Effect

Once a final decision or settlement is reached in a wrongful death, it generally has a binding effect on all parties involved. This means that the judgment or settlement in the case resolves all claims and precludes further lawsuits or legal actions related to the same incident. It brings finality to the proceedings and prevents subsequent litigation on the same matter.

Allocation of Damages

Under the one action rule, the court or the parties involved must determine the allocation of damages among the wrongful death claimants. This can involve assessing the relationship of the claimants to the deceased person and considering factors such as financial dependency, loss of companionship, or emotional suffering.

Impact on Settlement Negotiations

Since all claims must be consolidated into one legal action, it can create a more complex negotiation process involving multiple parties and their respective interests. It may require negotiation and agreement among the claimants and their legal representatives regarding the distribution of damages and the terms of the settlement.

Consistency and Predictability

The one action rule for wrongful death lawsuits in California promotes consistency and predictability in the resolution of wrongful death cases. It ensures that all claims arising from the same incident are addressed in a unified manner, reducing the potential for conflicting judgments, inconsistent outcomes, or other legal complications. Parties involved can have a clearer understanding of the process and limitations of seeking compensation for wrongful death.

one action rule for wrongful death

One Action Rule Sample Case

Because the one action rule for wrongful death is such a broad term, let us better understand it in a situation.

Let’s say, John, a wrongful death victim, lost his life in a truck accident because the at-fault party, a drunk driver named Adam, collided with him.

Now, John has three siblings, a minor child, a wife, and his parents. All of these people had been relying on John to support them financially. He was the putative spouse and the breadwinner of the family. Without John, the family is now experiencing financial instability. All of John’s family members can now claim civil action against Adam, the drunk driver, for damages.

The catch is that John’s family cannot sue Adam for individual damages in separate claims. The wife cannot sue for the loss of the putative spouse, the siblings cannot file another claim for financial compensation from the time of death, and his parents cannot demand compensation for the loss. The family must collectively sue for recoverable damages all at once — this is the one action rule for wrongful death in California.

In practical terms, it means that the personal representative or the designated beneficiary of the deceased person must bring a single lawsuit against the responsible party or parties. This lawsuit seeks monetary compensation for the damages resulting from the wrongful death, such as non-economic damages, medical expenses, funeral expenses, burial expenses, loss of income, and emotional suffering. The one action rule holds true even if the victim is a deceased child.

Once the court makes a final decision or a wrongful death settlement is reached, it generally bars any additional lawsuits related to the same incident. This rule ensures that all claims and monetary damages arising from the wrongful death are addressed in one legal action, preventing ongoing litigation and potential inconsistencies in judgments.

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Why the One Action Rule is Important to Wrongful Death Lawsuits

The one action rule is important in wrongful death lawsuits for several reasons:


The one action rule promotes efficiency in the legal process by consolidating all claims and damages related to personal injury into a single lawsuit. This prevents the need for multiple lawsuits or legal actions against the same defendant(s) for the same incident, streamlining the proceedings and avoiding duplicative litigation.


By requiring one lawsuit to address all claims arising from wrongful death, the one action rule for wrongful death in California helps ensure consistent outcomes. It avoids the possibility of conflicting judgments that may arise from separate legal actions, promoting fairness and uniformity in the resolution of wrongful death cases.

Preservation of Resources

Consolidating all claims into a single legal action helps conserve judicial resources, time, and costs for all parties involved. It minimizes the need for repetitive wrongful death litigation, which can be time-consuming and financially burdensome and allows for more efficient use of the legal system’s limited resources.

Clarity and Predictability

The one action rule provides clarity and predictability for both plaintiffs and defendants. It establishes a clear framework for addressing wrongful death claims, outlining the process and limitations for seeking compensation. This helps parties understand their rights, obligations, and the potential scope of damages they may recover or be held liable for.


Once a final decision or settlement is reached in the wrongful death action under the one recovery rule, it generally brings closure to the legal proceedings. This allows the parties involved to move forward without the ongoing burden and uncertainty of additional lawsuits or potential future claims related to the same incident.

Hire an Experienced Wrongful Death Attorney Today

Have you lost a loved one due to the actions of a negligent party? Do you need more information on the one action rule for wrongful death in California? Farahi Law Firm can provide you with the representation you need during this difficult time.

Our experienced wrongful death lawyers will take care of the complexities of your case, ensure your legal rights are protected, and recover the maximum compensation possible for your case.

Discover more about the one action rule for wrongful death in California. Learn how this legal principle affects your claim. Contact Farahi Law Firm for a free, no-obligation consultation. Call us at (844) 824-2955 today!

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