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Fresno Truck Injury Lawyers

Commercial trucks play a significant role in the transportation of essential goods throughout the United States, including Fresno, CA. However, they also pose a significant risk to other motorists.

Accidents involving trucks can have severe consequences, resulting in major injuries and property damage. When such incidents occur, seek legal representation from experienced Fresno truck injury lawyers who provide comprehensive services to individuals affected by truck accidents.

Injured in a truck accident? You might be eligible to file claims.


We can help you get the medical treatment you need and the maximum compensation you deserve.

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What is Considered a Truck?

A truck is a commercial vehicle designed for carrying cargo or goods. Unlike passenger cars, trucks have a separate cargo area or bed for transporting goods. They typically have a higher load capacity and are built to withstand heavier loads.

Types of Trucks:

  • Pickup Truck: Pickup trucks are vehicles with an open cargo bed at the back.
  • Semi- Truck or Tractor- Trailer: Semi-trucks, also known as tractor-trailers, consist of two parts: the tractor (the front part) and the trailer (the rear part). These trucks are designed to transport large amounts of cargo over long distances.
  • Dump Truck: Dump trucks are primarily used for transporting loose materials, such as sand, gravel, or construction debris.
  • Box Truck or Straight Truck: Box trucks, also known as straight trucks or cube vans, have an enclosed cargo area. They typically have a single frame and do not require a separate tractor like semi-trucks.
  • Flatbed Truck: Flatbed trucks have an open cargo bed without sides or a roof. They are used for transporting oversized or irregularly shaped loads, such as construction materials, machinery, or vehicles.
  • Tow Truck: Tow trucks are specialized vehicles used for towing disabled or improperly parked vehicles. They come in various configurations, such as flatbed tow trucks, hook and chain tow trucks, and wheel-lift tow trucks.
  • Tanker Truck: Tanker trucks are designed to transport liquids or gases, such as fuel, chemicals, or water. They have cylindrical tanks mounted on the truck chassis, ensuring secure transportation of the contents.
  • Refrigerated Truck: Refrigerated trucks, also known as reefer trucks, have temperature-controlled cargo areas. They are equipped with cooling systems to transport perishable goods.

Common Reasons for Truck Accidents in Fresno

Truck accidents can have devastating consequences due to the sheer size and weight of these vehicles. Understanding the common factors that contribute to truck accidents is crucial for improving road safety and reducing the occurrence of such incidents in Fresno. 

  • Fatigue: According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), driver fatigue is a leading cause of truck accidents. Long hours on the road, demanding schedules, and irregular sleep patterns can significantly impair a truck driver’s ability to concentrate and react promptly to potential hazards.
  • Aggressive Driving: Aggressive behaviors, such as speeding, tailgating, sudden lane changes, and improper passing, increase the risk of accidents involving trucks. These actions can startle other drivers and lead to collisions or loss of control.
  • Distracted Driving: Engaging in activities such as texting, talking on the phone, eating, or using in-cab technology devices diverts a driver’s attention from the road and can lead to catastrophic accidents. Distractions can be particularly dangerous for truck drivers due to the additional time required to stop or maneuver their vehicles.
  • Impaired Driving: Driving under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or certain medications significantly impairs a truck driver’s judgment, reaction time, and coordination. Impaired driving poses a serious threat to the safety of both the truck driver and other road users.
  • Poor Vehicle Maintenance: Failure to properly maintain trucks can result in mechanical failures, such as brake malfunctions or tire blowouts, which can lead to accidents. Regular inspections, maintenance, and adherence to safety regulations are essential to prevent these incidents.

Other factors include inadequate training, weather conditions, improper loading and cargo securement, and negligence by other drivers. Awareness of these common factors in truck accidents is vital for promoting road safety and reducing the occurrence of such incidents. Addressing these factors through improved regulations, driver training, and public education will help create a safer travel experience in Fresno.

Common Truck Accident Injuries

Truck accidents can result in severe injuries due to the size and weight disparity between trucks and other vehicles. Fresno, California, being a busy transportation hub, witnesses its fair share of truck accidents. 

Whiplash and Other Neck Injuries

Whiplash is a common injury in truck accidents. It occurs when the head and neck are suddenly and forcefully jerked back and forth due to a collision or sudden stop. Symptoms of whiplash and neck injuries may include neck pain, stiffness, headaches, and restricted mobility.

Back and Spinal Injuries

Truck accidents often result in back and spinal injuries due to the impact and forces involved. These injuries can range from strains and sprains to more severe conditions like herniated discs or spinal cord damage. Back and spinal injuries can lead to chronic pain, mobility limitations, and even paralysis in severe cases.

Head and Brain Injuries

The forceful impact in truck accidents can cause head injuries, including concussions, traumatic brain injuries (TBIs), and skull fractures. These injuries can have long-lasting effects on cognitive function, memory, speech, and overall brain health. Immediate medical attention is crucial for early diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

Fractures and Broken Bones

The sheer force of a truck collision can result in fractures and broken bones. Common fractures include broken arms, legs, ribs, and wrists. These injuries often require medical intervention, including surgeries, immobilization, and extensive rehabilitation.

Internal Injuries

Truck accidents can cause severe internal injuries, such as internal bleeding, organ damage, and punctured lungs. Internal injuries may not be immediately apparent but can be life-threatening if left untreated. It is essential to seek medical evaluation following a truck accident to identify and address any internal injuries.

Cuts, Bruises, and Lacerations

During a trucking accident, occupants can sustain cuts, bruises, and lacerations due to broken glass, flying debris, or impact with vehicle components. While these injuries may be less severe compared to others, they can still require medical attention and may result in scarring or disfigurement.

Psychological Trauma

Truck accidents can have a profound psychological impact on individuals involved. Emotional distress, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and depression are common psychological injuries that may occur following a traumatic accident. Seeking support from mental health professionals is crucial for healing and recovery.

Did your loved one suffer injuries because of a truck accident?

What To Do If I Get Involved in a Truck Accident in Fresno?

If you get involved in a truck accident in Fresno, here’s what to do if you find yourself in such a situation:

Ensure Safety

First, prioritize your safety and the safety of others involved. If possible, move to a safe location away from traffic and potential hazards. Turn on your hazard lights and use warning triangles or flares to alert other drivers.

Contact Emergency Services

Call 911 to report the accident and request emergency medical assistance if anyone is injured. The police will also need to be notified, so they can come to the scene, assess the situation, and prepare a police report.

Gather Information

Exchange information with the truck driver and any other parties involved. Obtain their name, contact details, license plate number, insurance information, and the name of the trucking company if applicable. Additionally, gather contact information from witnesses or other truck accident victims who may have seen the accident.

Document the Scene

Use your smartphone or a camera to take photos or videos of the accident scene, vehicle damage, skid marks, road conditions, and any visible injuries. These visual records can serve as valuable evidence for the filing of claims.

Seek Medical Attention

Even if you don’t feel immediate pain or visible injuries, seek immediate medical care. Some injuries may not be apparent right away, and a medical professional can assess your condition thoroughly. The treatment and medical bills records will be vital for insurance claims and any legal proceedings.

Consult with a Truck Accident Lawyer

Consider seeking legal advice from an experienced truck accident lawyer. They can guide you through the legal process, protect your rights, and help you pursue any potential claims or financial compensation you may be entitled to. Your experienced lawyer will also take care of communicating with your and the other party’s insurance provider.

Limit Communication

Avoid discussing the accident with anyone other than your Fresno truck injury attorney. Statements made to insurance adjusters or other parties could be used against you later. Let your attorney handle any communication related to the accident.

Follow Medical Advice and Rehabilitation

Follow all medical recommendations and attend any necessary follow-up appointments or rehabilitation sessions. Compliance with treatment plans demonstrates your commitment to your recovery and strengthens your case.

Every auto accident case is unique, and consulting with a personal injury lawyer, specializing in truck accidents, can provide personalized guidance based on your specific circumstances. They will help protect your rights, advocate for your best interests, and navigate the complex legal process associated with truck accidents in Fresno and get fair compensation for your injuries.

Frequently Asked Questions about Truck Accidents in Fresno

How can I determine who is liable for the truck accident in Fresno?

Liability in truck accidents can be complex. It often depends on various factors such as driver negligence, maintenance issues, or even the trucking company’s policies. A thorough investigation by law enforcement and insurance companies is typically conducted to determine liability in a motor vehicle accident.

What steps should I take to preserve evidence after a commercial truck accident?

Gathering evidence is essential for your personal injury claim. Take photos of the accident scene, the vehicles involved, and any visible injuries. Collect contact information from witnesses and obtain a copy of the police report. It’s also crucial to preserve all documents, including treatment records, medical expenses receipts, and repair estimates.

Can I file compensation claims or lawsuit for a truck accident in Fresno?

Yes, if you’ve suffered injuries or property damage, you may be eligible to file a truck accident lawsuit or claim against the responsible party. Consult with an experienced personal injury attorney to evaluate your case and guide you through the legal process. However, make sure that you file your claim before the statute of limitations expires. In Fresno, the statute of limitations is 2 years from the date of the incident.

What should I do if a loved one has died in a truck accident in Fresno?

Surviving family members may have the right to pursue a wrongful death claim. Seek legal advice from a wrongful death attorney specializing in wrongful death cases to understand your options and the applicable laws.

Are truck drivers liable for accidents caused by blind spots?

Truck drivers have a responsibility to check their blind spots and operate their vehicles safely. However, liability for incidents involving blind spots can vary depending on the specific circumstances. It may involve the driver, the trucking company, or other negligent parties. Consulting with an attorney can help determine liability and take legal action for your injuries.

Consult with Fresno’s Best Truck Accident Lawyer

If you or a loved one has suffered catastrophic injuries due to someone else’s negligence, consult with a Fresno truck accident lawyer who has a proven track record in handling such cases.

At Farahi Law Firm, we are dedicated to providing assistance to our clients and ensuring they receive the maximum possible compensation. Our committed team will handle all the necessary paperwork, ensuring that you receive the justice you deserve.

Our Fresno truck accident attorney, who has received various awards for our exceptional work, collaborates closely with doctors and case managers who are fully devoted to supporting you throughout the entire legal process.

You can rest assured knowing that we operate on a contingency fee basis, which means you won’t have to worry about any upfront costs.

If you need assistance, don’t hesitate to contact our Fresno truck injury lawyers at (559) 315-1573. We are available 24/7 to provide you with the help you need.

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Farahi Law Firm, APC

1444 Fulton St #122 J50
Fresno, CA 93721
United States (559) 315-1573 Map & Directions


We can help you get the medical treatment you need and the maximum compensation you deserve.

Don’t worry about fees. We will not charge you anything unless we win — and we will. Call Farahi Law’s expert personal injury lawyers for FREE Consultation. Available 24/7

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