Fatal Accident in Santa Rosa: Pedestrian Killed in District

Sonoma County, California – Authorities in Santa Rosa are conducting a thorough investigation into a tragic accident that occurred in the historic Cherry Road district on the morning of Tuesday, March 26, 2024, which sadly claimed the life of a pedestrian.

Initially, police issued an alert just before 7 a.m. via social media, indicating the temporary closure of the westbound stretch of College Ave. at Orchard St. This closure was still in effect more than three hours later.

Police shared an image showing a silver Chevrolet pickup truck with damage to the front, while crime scene tape cordoned off the roadway behind the truck. Officers and paramedics arrived at the intersection of College Ave. and Orchard St. around 6:15 a.m. after receiving reports from multiple witnesses about the accident.

At the scene, they found a woman with serious injuries lying on the pavement of College Ave., who was unfortunately pronounced dead by medical personnel. Additionally, a gray Chevy Silverado pickup truck with front-end damage was present. The driver, a 21-year-old Sonoma County resident was uninjured and cooperated with the investigation.

According to police, the pedestrian was crossing College Ave. at the crosswalk and had nearly completed the crossing when she was struck by the westbound Chevy.

The driver showed no signs of intoxication, and speed does not appear to have been a determining factor. However, it has not yet been determined whether the pedestrian was walking or running at the time of the accident, which occurred in low-light conditions due to the hour.

The names of the driver and the deceased woman have not been released pending notification of their closest relatives. Anyone with relevant information about this fatal accident in Santa Rosa is urged to contact Officer Zepeda at 707-543-3636.

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